Expressions of interest

personal professional blog by Sander Evers

11 September 2019

Finding sets in the card game SET

SET is a card game of speedy pattern recognition. Twelve cards with different symbols are dealt openly on the table, and all players simultaneously try to find a set among these cards: a three-card combination that has to satisfy certain rules. Some time ago I wrote a Python program that finds all sets on the table using different methods: I started with the most understandable function and then tried to make it as fast as possible.

NOTE: this appeared earlier as a recipe in the ActiveState Python Cookbook, which is not maintained anymore. I’ve updated the code to Python 3 here, and elaborated the text.

Here’s an example of three SET cards:

Each card has four attributes (or features), which can take three possible values:

In Python, I’ll represent a card using a 4-tuple of integers (each 0/1/2). For example, the leftmost card consists of two squiggles, green and outlined, so it’s represented as Card(1,0,2,2) (the 1 means two symbols!).

Three cards form a set if for each attribute, all three cards either have the same value, or the three different values. Let’s check that the combination shown above is a set:

    shading ____________
      color _________   |
      shape ______   |  |
     number ___   |  |  |
               |  |  |  |
first card:   (1, 0, 2, 2)
second card:  (1, 1, 0, 2)
third card:   (1, 2, 1, 2)
               |  |  |  L__ all the same
               |  |  L_____ all different
               |  L________ all different
               L___________ all the same

And here’s a combination which is not a set:

    shading ____________
      color _________   |
      shape ______   |  |
     number ___   |  |  |
               |  |  |  |
first card:   (0, 0, 1, 1)
second card:  (1, 1, 1, 2)
third card:   (1, 2, 1, 0)
               |  |  |  L__ all different
               |  |  L_____ all the same
               |  L________ all different
               L___________ WRONG!

The attribute number fails the test here.


Around the 4-tuple I first define a small class Card and a method that lets me do card0.isset(card1,card2) to check whether card0, card1 and card2 form a set.

class Card:
    def __init__(self,*attrs):
        # a card is a simple 4-tuple of attributes
        # each attr is supposed to be either 0, 1 or 2
        self.attrs = attrs
    # most readable way to express what a SET is
    def isset(self,card1,card2):
        def allsame(v0,v1,v2):       # checks one attribute
            return v0==v1 and v1==v2
        def alldifferent(v0,v1,v2):  # checks one attribute
            return len({v0,v1,v2})==3
        return all(allsame(v0,v1,v2) or alldifferent(v0,v1,v2)
                   for (v0,v1,v2)
                   in zip(self.attrs,card1.attrs,card2.attrs))

    # all 81 possible cards
    def allcards():
        return [ Card(att0,att1,att2,att3)
                   for att0 in (0,1,2)
                   for att1 in (0,1,2) 
                   for att2 in (0,1,2)
                   for att3 in (0,1,2)

I like how Python lets me write isset almost literally like the above definition of a set. The only tricky thing you need to know is that zip transforms the three (per-card) lists of 4 attribute values into four (per-attribute) lists of 3 values.

Aside: allsame(v0,v1,v2) or alldifferent(v0,v1,v2) could be replaced with len({v0,v1,v2})!=2 for a shorter, but less readable, definition.

The obvious way to find all sets in a table of 12 cards is to check every possible 3-card combination on the table using a three-level nested loop. Let’s define a table of random cards and a method that finds the sets using this “generate and test” approach:

import random

class Table:

    # a random table of n different cards
    def __init__(self,n=12): = random.sample(Card.allcards(),n)
    def findsets_gnt(self):     # generate and test
        found = []
        for i,ci in enumerate(
            for j,cj in enumerate([i+1:],i+1):
                for k,ck in enumerate([j+1:],j+1):
                    if ci.isset(cj,ck):
        return found

Not every level needs to loop over all the cards: this would visit each 3-card combination 6 separate times (and what’s worse, investigate combinations that include the same card more than once, giving wrong results).

Instead, the loops are constructed such that for each 3-card combination, the first card (in table order) is represented by the outer loop variables (i for the position and ci for the card itself), the second by the middle loop variables j/cj, and the third by the inner loop variables k/ck. Lots of ❤ here for the thoughtful second argument in the standard lib enumerate function, which lets you start the enumeration at any chosen number. Together, the loops check each combination exactly once; when it is a set, it is appended to the list of found sets.


Although the above code solves the problem (and probably fast enough for all realistic uses), I explored some optimizations just because I like that sort of thing; see the full code below for the optimized versions of findsets. A first optimization is to rewrite the isset test. As mentioned I could use len({v0,v1,v2})!=2 for each attribute, but there’s another alternative, with only simple integer operations: (v0+v1+v2)%3==0. I applied this in Card.isset_mod()[code] and Table.findsets_gnt_mod()[code].

%3 yields the remainder after integer division by 3

The second optimization step is to exploit the fact that each combination of two cards (card0,card1) forms a set with one unique other card. This card2 can be constructed by setting card2.attrs[i] = (-card0.attrs[i]-card1.attrs[i])%3 for all i, as implemented in Card.thirdcard_simple()[code].

There are faster ways for checking whether this card is on the table than by looping over the remaining cards. In Table.findsets_simple()[code], I put all the table cards in a set (and by set I mean the Python data structure here) called have; set membership can be checked faster than looping over all items. I replaced the outer ci loop with the membership check, and by only inserting a card in the set after it has been processed by the cj loop, I guarantee that only cards are found that come before cj and ck in table order.

An earlier version of the algorithm added all table cards before the double loop. It also remembered their position, so it could check whether a found set was in the correct table order.

In the final optimization, I speed up the thirdcard function by making it operate on all four attributes at the same time, using bitwise operators. To do this, the attributes are encoded into one integer, with 2 bits per attribute:

# values of each attribute are encoded like this
0 -> 00
1 -> 01
2 -> 10

# example encoding for a whole card:
(1,0,2,1) -> 01 00 10 01   # so Card(1,0,2,1).bits==73

The new function must be one that, given two values x and y in the two-bit representation, calculates (-x-y)%3 in this two-bit representation, and that can only use bitwise operators. I won’t go into details but I found it with a little help from Karnaugh maps; the result is Card.thirdcard_fast()[code].

Furthermore, the 8-bit representation of cards provides another optimization opportunity. Instead of keeping track of which cards are on the table using a set, I store the same information in a 256-element list (again called have): for all possible cards I first set have[card.bits]=False, and change this to True after a card has been processed by the cj loop. Indexing the list to check whether a card is on the table is probably faster still than the corresponding set membership check.


I think the final algorithm is a pretty fast way to find sets. Of course, rewriting it in C would make it even faster, but my personal interest is in the principles behind the optimizations. In my opinion, Python is a great language for communicating the algorithms.

Full code