Expressions of interest

personal professional blog by Sander Evers

11 September 2019

Models are pointers

This was written a couple of years ago for the Topicus Onderwijs blog, when I was working with Apache Wicket on a daily basis.

When I was first introduced to Wicket application code, I was frequently confused by the (omni)presence of Models. If a page or component had to interact with a database entity, it would often (though not always) be wrapped in a Model. For example, a Page would receive a “plain” entity in its constructor, then “produce” a Model for the entity by itself, and store it somewhere in the page state. It was a small mystery to me what the added value was in having a Model instead of the entity itself.

Of course, I soon learnt that these Models were necessary in order to serialize the page between requests. The database entities in the page state cannot trivially be serialized, because of their relations to a potentially vast network of other entities, all prone to change between HTTP requests. Therefore, instead of the entity itself, the Model retains its database ID, and when the page is revived, the Model will ask Hibernate for an up-to-date version of the entity and its relations.

Thus, the notion that models are for serialization took hold in my mind, where it would stay untouched for a long time. It took away most of the confusion, but not all; I still sometimes found myself copying patterns with Models I saw elsewhere, instead of understanding what the situation really demanded.

Then, we started building REST client applications in Wicket. These applications don’t have a connection with the database, but talk to a REST backend using data transfer objects, which represent a small fragment of the database (usually one entity with its fields and sometimes a few “subordinate” entities). The typical use in a Wicket page is like this:

class PersonPage extends Page {

    PersonRestClient personClient;

    private IModel<RPerson> personModel;

    public PersonPage(long personID)
        // HTTP GET request to /person/{personID},
        // fetches a data transfer object RPerson
        RPerson person = personClient.get(personID);

        personModel = Model.of(person);
        add(new PersonHeaderPanel("header",personModel));
        add(new PersonDetailsPanel("details",personModel));

Surprise, surprise. In this code, personModel has no function for serialization whatsoever. It does not contain a database entity Person, but a data transfer object RPerson, which can be serialized just fine (that’s sort of its purpose). If we would leave out the Model and just store the RPerson in the page state, the page would render and serialize without any problems. So, what is the purpose of having a Model here?

In fact, the answer had been staring me in the eye since the first time I saw the IModel interface: models are essentially pointers.


Pointers, for those born in more recent times, are a feature of certain programming languages like C and C++ (but not of Java; its lack of pointers is one reason why it became so popular). They are variables that, instead of containing a simple value, contain the memory address of another variable. In C, they look like this:

void setTo42(int* p) {
    *p = 42;    // update the value of the variable that p points to

int main() {
    int a = 99;
    int* pointer_to_a = a&;        // assign a's address to pointer_to_a
    printf("%d\n",*pointer_to_a);  // prints 99
    printf("%d\n",a);              // prints 42

In the main function, pointer_to_a is declared as an int* (pointer to int) and is pointed at a (that is, a’s address, denoted by a&, is stored in pointer_to_a). In the following printf statement, we dereference the pointer using the *pointer_to_a syntax to get at the variable a again, and print its value. Next, pointer_to_a is passed to function setTo42. That is, its value (a’s address) is copied into setTo42’s local variable p. There, p is dereferenced, and the integer 42 is written at the memory address. After setTo42 returns, main finds that the value of its own local variable a has been changed to 42, with total disregard for the scope barriers that make high-level programming sane.

Without pointers, this is impossible. Function call semantics in C are “pass-by-value”: whenever a function is called, its actual argument is evaluated and this value is copied to a variable local to this function. This is also true for Java. If you pass an int variable into a function, its value is always still the same after the call returns. If you pass an Integer variable into a function (even though under the hood Java is actually passing a reference to an Integer object), its value is always still the same after the call returns. If you pass a Person variable into a function, the Person in the variable always still has the same object identity after the call returns; the most the function can do is change some property like its first name.

However, we can simulate the use of pointers by wrapping the Person object in a Model. Then, when we pass the Model into a function, this function cannot change the object identity of the Model that the calling function or object holds in some variable or field, but it can change the contents of the Model, using its setObject method. Thus, we can recognize pointer operations in the two methods of the IModel interface:

o1 = m.getObject();  // o1 = *m;
m.setObject(o2);     // *m = o2;

We use these pointers to share state between two or more Wicket components.

Models are Wicket’s take on shared state

Shared state is one of the two fundamental ways of communicating between systems, processes or objects. The other one is message passing, which is like function calls between code living in different processes. Or actually, maybe it’s better to think of it the other way around: functions (or: objects) have been invented to simulate different processes with their own memory space, where there’s actually only one process with one memory space.

Anyway, with the focus on Models, Wicket has adopted the shared state metaphor for communication in its application code. Metaphor, because underneath there is a lot of “message passing” going on in the Wicket framework code itself; but the application programmer (ideally) does not have to be aware of this. Let’s see how this works in practice:

class PersonPage extends Page {

    PersonRestClient personClient;

    private IModel<RPerson> personModel;

    public PeoplePage()
        // fetch the first 20 people
        List<RPerson> people = personRestClient.list(0,20);
        personModel = Model.of(people.get(0));

        OmschrijfbaarDropDownChoice<RPerson> choice =
            new OmschrijfbaarDropDownChoice<>("choice",personModel,people);
        PersonDetailsPanel details =
            new PersonDetailsPanel("details",personModel);


This creates a page with two components. The first is a drop-down list of people (OmschrijfbaarDropDownChoice is a generic drop-down list for objects implementing the Omschrijfbaar interface, consisting of a toString-like method). The second is a panel showing details of the person selected in the drop-down list. When the user selects a new person in the list, the browser fires an Ajax request, which is handled by OmschrijfbaarDropDownChoice in the following way:

The important thing here is that we made the two components communicate solely by configuring them with a shared model. (Well, almost. There’s the connectListForAjaxRefresh which is a small flaw. If the drop-down component would perform a complete page fetch instead of an Ajax call, we wouldn’t even need it.) The alternative to using Models would be something like defining an update(RPerson newPerson) function in PersonDetailsPanel, and calling this function in the (overridden) onUpdate handler of the drop-down list. Although this kind of message passing between components is not uncommon in our Wicket application code, I found that if I go along with the shared state metaphor and do most communication through models, it becomes much easier to define reusable components, and the code in general also gets easier to understand, maintain and refactor.

Final thoughts

When it dawned on me that Wicket components are designed to communicate through shared state, the pieces really clicked together for me. In hindsight, this architectural choice is so central to how Wicket works, that it surprises me that I haven’t seen it spelled out somewhere before, which is why I’ve written it down here. I hope it has helped you as much as it would have helped me.

There’s just one problem now: if shared state is frowned upon in software engineering because it “disregards the sanitary barriers between processes”, why does it work so well in designing loosely coupled Wicket components?